Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear Reverend Rogue:

Dear Reverend Rogue,
I've been a super villain for a few years now, but I just haven't been able to break out of the mold of "minor annoyance" into the sphere of "arch nemesis". I think it's because of my powers. See, I'm pretty good with electronics and the like, and I built a suit to defeat a certain wall crawling hero in my city. The problem is...the only thing my suit actually does is make me REALLY friggin' tall. That's pretty much it. It extends my legs and I'm walking around on stilts. I also makes me stronger, but I'm moving around so awkwardly that actually getting my hands on anything is nearly impossible. All the other villains laugh at me! What should I do?

-Too Tall in New York

Dear Too Tall,
Well, here's your problem. Unless you can find a bank which keeps it's vault on a higher floor...and REALLY close to a've little chance of doing anything outstanding that doesn't require a basketball. Face it. You've limited yourself to a very stupid ability, and now you're stuck with it. I just don't think Super villaining is for you. However, I do have a few suggestions for other jobs you could do. Telephone line repairman, industrial window washer...there's a lot of jobs out there that require strong, overly tall individuals like yourself. Get to lookin'!

Dear Reverend Rogue,
I never thought I would find myself writing to a Super villain advice columnist, but I'm at my wits end. You see, I've been seeing a girl for a while, and everything was going well until a few days ago when we tried to "seal the deal". You see, my power is...super speed. And while it comes in handy when fighting nefarious super villains like seems to be less than useful when it comes to other things. This is putting a real cramp in my style. Any advice?

-Flash Fast Lover in Metropolis

Dear Flash Fast Lover,
Man, sounds like that would be cramping other things as well! Well, normally I'm not in the habit of doling out advice to hero's, but since this is special circumstances, I'll try to help. First, to avoid hurting your'll need some kind of lubricant. After all, that kind of friction at that kind of speed is liable to hurt! Of course, not just any kind of lube will do. I suggest using 10 W40 weight motor oil, which is made for that kind of punishment. Just apply it liberally down there, for her protection. Secondly, you'll want to relax. Maybe she'll want to also. I suggest lighting up a nice, tasty menthol. You'll want it after. Hell, smoke one during too. And never underestimate the feel of some good old fashioned kerosene on a woman's skin! If you follow these simple rules of thumb, you'll be a hunka hunka burnin' love in no time.
Trust me. I'm a super villain. We're all kindsa kinky.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Evil knows no species!

Like the rest of you pathetic miscreants, I was recently issued a challenge by the Reverend to find examples of lesser-known comics and post them here.

I didn't have to look very far before I found a true gem. It is my opinion that this comic should be required reading material for all henchmen. The supervillian star of this show demands a great deal of respect for the complexity of his schemes, his commandery of absolute power, and for the diminuitive size of his furry little black heart.

I am of course speaking of Bucky the cat from "Get Fuzzy," by Darby Conley.

For some time I have been intrigued by the determination of such a small creature to rule all within his domain. He has an obvious size disadvantage compared to those he wishes to control, however this little guy doesn't have 'fear' anywhere in his vocabulary.
Indeed most of his vocabulary consists of garbled English and Bucky-ese. Yet he still manages to thwart the plots of his arch-nemesis, the ferret...somehow.

You also have to applaud his ability to withstand the strong urge to off his Igor-like companion, Satchel, who possesses a mind-bogglingly low IQ (even for a henchman). I would go far as to say that Bucky teeters dangerously close to having superhero-esque patience for contending with both Satchel, and his human servant, Rob. Why, there is even an homage to Ghost Hunters in this strip!

Who knew that there was so much evil in the little furball?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Web-Comic Round Up

It's our opinion here at WUITS that a lot of attention is paid to comic books, but not nearly enough seems to be given to the more home grown varieties found here on the internet. So, starting this week, we're going to feature one of these comics and give a little review. Why? Because we fucking said so, that's why. Now shut and read.

Sluggy Freelance

We find it hard to believe that some people have actually NOT heard of Sluggy Freelance. Starting back in the mean days of 1997, Sluggy has been turning out quality comics for over a decade now. Of course, we're not entirely clear on what "Sluggy Freelance" means...but with a webcomic this nifty, who cares? Where else can you find stories on time travel, demons who show up every halloween, vampires, homicidal kittens, making deals with the devil via the internet, hot female assassins and switchblade carrying bunlop rabbits named Bun Bun? Do yourself a favor. Go to, rewind to the beginning, and start reading from there. You've got over 10 years of comics to catch up on kids. And trust's worth it!

8 Bit Theatre
When we first discovered 8 Bit Theatre, it took us back to our younger days. And then we realized that, as nostalgic as it first appears...there's nothing retro about 8 Bit Theatre. We don't think there's any way to reliably describe it without mentioning a few key words...weird, wonderful...and completely twisted.

That's the round up for this week kids. If you know of a Webcomic that doesn't get the recognition it so richly deserves, tell us about it! Send your submissions to and loop us in!

Monday, April 20, 2009

5 Cartoons That ****** Us Up

The world we're living in has relentlessly failed to yield any of the things we feel we were promised, like hover cars, hover skate boards, and other things that hover. So we have to wonder what fooled us into having these false hopes.

We need to lay the blame squarely where it belongs: children's programming. And really, it was our horrible childhoods that led us to this position.

Here's five of the worst offenders in making us evil.

smurfs-main.jpgThe Smurfs

Whats cuter than a mouse and the Blue Man Group put together? Why, extremely small little blue people who live in mushrooms and partake in a communist-like society, of course!

The Smurfs spent most of their time thwarting Gargamel, who for some reason deduced that tiny blue people who live in mushrooms have got to be tasty as all get out. (Editor's note: They are.)

How they fucked us up

It's no big surprise that a show with the premise that somebody is constantly trying to eat the main characters might give children nightmares. All the smurfs ever wanted to do was live in their little utopian-esque society and be left alone, but things always turned to shit when "the man" showed up.

gargamel.jpgWhich makes us wonder if perhaps our fear of big government might stem from the fact that we fear people who try to constantly mess with us or eat us.

Then there is the fact that, apparently, there is only one female smurf to every 30 males. Yes...yes, I know...before you start sending in hate emails about how horribly inaccurate this is, and that Smurfette was actually created by Gargamel, I ask you this...exactly how were they reproducing BEFORE the lone chick showed up? It doesn't take Brainy smurf to figure this shit out.

Papa Smurf was cloning them. Which might explain our penchant for that very practice.

Lasting effects

Well, again we get back to the whole "fear of the man" deal. Add in the fact that we actually look at Papa Smurf as the closest thing to a philosopher and guru that our generation has had and it's pretty obvious why we've become a generation of big business hating, mushroom loving freaks.

looneytunes.jpgLooney Tunes

Remember Saturday mornings, sitting in your underoos in front of the TV, watching Wile E. Coyote Chase the Road Runner? Oh, how we would laugh every time one of the coyote's plans backfired and he ended up falling off a cliff into some sort of accordion-related paralysis. Or when Sylvester the cat would build a furniture mound to get to Tweety's cage, only to find the little lisping canary at the bottom of the mound ready to knock the whole works over. Oh, there was nothing quite as amusing as this to take our minds off the fact that our Cap'n Crunch was ripping the insides of our little mouths to shreds with every bite!

How they fucked us up

Reach for the stars, kids! But ya know. Not too high. Because there is always someone much smarter than you who will gladly take that opportunity right away from you. No matter how hungry you are for that bird, sometimes it's a safe bet just to take that money you were planning on buying the ACME rocket propelled kill-o-matic with, and spending it on a couple of boxes of mac and cheese.

And again, here we see another example of big business giving us the screw. How often did we see something that ACME had produced simply not work? Or perhaps sometimes it worked really well, but left out the one extremely important safety implement that would have saved the day. Rocket powered bicycle? How about some fucking brakes there, champ?

wileecoyote.jpgLasting effects

The fact that it seems all the people in power were probably degenerates that never watched Saturday morning cartoons, and possibly spent their youth watching westerns while their daddy's plotted ways to overthrow the country through manipulating big oil probably says a lot about us. We're afraid of getting smacked down when we try to reach for that really important position of authority, and thus, spend quite a larger chunk of our time reading humor sites than creating national policy.

Plus we know that big business will assuredly screw us. Watch paid programming enough, and you will see half a dozen products at any given time that will kill us in ways way more efficiently than we could think of ourselves. Your normal household knives not sharp enough to cut a metal rod? Buy yourself some Ginsu knives! Guaranteed to take out an artery much more effectively than a normal knife when your wife realizes that you're never going to be any more than a fast food manager at McDonald's and decides to off you! Now there's progress for you!

scoobydoo.jpgScooby Doo

No list of this nature would be complete without the man (or dog) himself...the Scoobmeister. When our little pre-adolescent minds got a hold of this, we were simply transfixed. Admit it. You were always waiting for the ghost or monster that turned out to be real, weren't you? And there was a feeling of bitter disappointment at the end of every episode, when after the ghost of the week was revealed to be old man Withers in a costume, that:
A) You had been duped once again, and
B) No matter how hard you tried, you would NEVER look that cool for Halloween.

How they fucked us up

There are a couple of subtle messages here, kids. First of all, trust no one. Everybody from the sheriff to the local thugs has got an agenda. And when the chips are down, and everything is going to utter shit, that's when your friends are going to send your happy ass into the haunted house with a talking dog to investigate.

Which brings us to the secondary message: That you can overcome anything as long as you have the proper stimulating motivation. Lets face it, folks. It's never been a secret that those Scooby snacks had to be a helluva lot more than just dog food. Anything that's gonna mellow you out sufficiently to go face a homicidal miner 49er in an old abandoned mine shaft better have more than a slight bacon taste going for it. We're talking a straight up dose of zannies mixed with some killer weed and morphine just to keep you straight. And if your only backup if the shit does hit the fan is a dog that's just as drugged as you are is two chicks and some dude in an ascot, you're definitely gonna need something to keep your mellow on.

Lasting effects

Anybody else notice that in the last few decades the divorce rate has soared, along with the usage of multiple drugs? This little tidbit could be due to the fact that when we're in relationships now. We know it's only a matter of time before our significant other rips off their mask to reveal the horrible fucking demonic bitch that, in our heart of hearts, we were sure was there all along. And this isn't the half of it. The levels of trust for our generation has deteriorated significantly since the day of the Scoob. Quick question: anybody here picked up any hitch hikers lately? No? Thats because we know that at some point after we pick them up, out comes the razor and it's goodnight Seattle.

Then comes the drug problem. As Scooby showed us all too often, if you want to get through a difficult time, you gotta get your synthetic courage on. And hell, lets face it. Life is a scary old mine shaft, and there's a shitload of insane miner 49ers that are just waiting for the chance to punch our ticket. So why wait? There's no time like the present for getting completely smashed! After all, WWSD (What would Scooby Do)?

gijoe.jpgG.I. Joe

No afternoon could be complete without coming home from school, and tuning into the adventures of the "Real American Hero" and seeing what hijinx Cobra Commander was kicking up this week. What could be cooler than a cartoon about a military organization that was consistently at odds with a terrorist organization that was hellbent on world domination?

And with the coolest in state of the art weaponry, and some of the most badass soldiers this side of Sylvester "I'll just keep spinning out sequels until somebody flips me out of my wheelchair and beats me with it" Stallone, it's little wonder our impressionable little minds grew somewhat addicted to this show. Every week, there was a new plot that would somehow allow Cobra commander to take over the world or bring the economy to its knees. Sure, most of his plans were half baked and were put down rather quickly by the Joe team, but hell, at least he tried, right?

How they fucked us up

Oh, wow. We're not even sure where to start. To begin with, remember all those cool vehicles and weapons we mentioned earlier? Well, apparently, they were completely worthless. As highly trained as these Joes were, they just could not seem to ever actually hit anything aside from a vehicle or an exploding barrel of some sort. And apparently these little laser guns of theirs were also programmed not to actually hit said vehicle until the occupant had bailed out. Wow! Those are pretty smart weapons! And to think, if those Cobra guys had been just a little smarter than that and just stayed in the Dual-tread Death Bringer Mobile, it may have never gotten blown up! Man those Cobras are stupid!

gijoemarkwahlberg.jpgBut, well, maybe we were a little dumb too. Because we never questioned why Cobra commander apparently lived in the United States, had millions of dollars in equipment and his own military at his disposal, and yet he was harder to find than Osama Bin Laden even though everybody in his terrorist organization wore prominent logos. Not only that, but whenever the shit hit the fan and double C had to run for his life. nobody ever followed him! Really, this is just poor planning, if you ask us. If you just spent a good deal of your time chasing down Cobra Commander because he had found a way to destroy the worlds economy, and he escapes from his hideout in a jetpack, wouldn't you follow that motherfucker? I mean hell, at least get an idea which direction he's headed in. Get an Apache or something to trail him! Something!

But no. As you see in the image to the left, it looks as if Duke is about to scream something along the lines of "NOOOOOOOOOO" upon Cobra Commander's latest escape. But don't be so quick with the comforting there, Scarlett. He's just going to quip a joke, and the rest of you are going to stand around laughing about it as Cobra Commander jets off into the sunset more pissed off than ever.

Ladies and gentlemen, we think we've just put our finger on why we've yet to capture Osama Bin Laden.

gijoe2.jpgLasting effects

Okay, let's play a little game here for a moment. Pretend you are a 9 year old boy, and you and your best friend are in the bathroom, playing with the stuff under the sink. Suddenly, out of nowhere a large black man in fatigues appears at your bathroom window (which is conspicuously open for some reason) and begins to lecture you on playing with the stuff under the sink. Sure, the guy is Road Block from G.I. Joe, but that doesn't change the fact that the government is clearly watching everything you do.

Yes, it's true. Big brother is now officially watching you! How do we know? Because at the end of every single episode of the show, it would show kids doing everything from getting into fights after school to playing with their father's handgun in the closet, and mysteriously a Joe team member would show up and read them the riot act for being so fucking stupid.

Of course the kids would do the obligatory "Gee, thanks Road Block!" Which is kid for "Please get the hell out of here before mom comes home and finds a stranger in the bathroom with her kids!" to which Road Block would reply, "And KNOWING is half the battle!"

Which, ironically, became Bush's battle cry when he began legalizing phone tapping and what not for homeland security usage.

So, I think I'm seeing a pattern here. The government keeps blowing money on military equipment that is largely as ineffective as it's military strategy, knows every single thing Jim Bob citizen does, and is fighting an enemy that we can't find.

Fuck, that's eerie.

carebears.jpgCare Bears

Okay, quite frankly, we're not going to spend a lot of time on this one. This may have been something your little sister watched. Or, possibly it was forced upon you as some form of torture. In either case, lets make this quick.

How they fucked us up

carebears2.jpg Cute.



....I just crapped myself.

Lasting effects

The lasting impression that for some reason, bears are cuddly little critters. But we guarantee you, that if you dyed a bear hot pink and stapled a heart to it's chest, that fucker is still going to eat you. Slowly. Beginning with your testicles.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Holy Craps! They Busted Them Some Pirates!

As all of us know who've been keeping up with the news lately, pirates have been weaseling their way back into the headlines. I am speaking, of course, about Pirate Bay...which for those of you in the know, was a software pirating site...getting busted. And damn, did they get busted!

A Swedish court on Friday found the four defendants in the high-profile Pirate Bay case guilty, sentencing each to one year in jail. The defendants were also ordered to pay a total of 30 million Swedish kronor ($3.6 million) in damages to copyright holders, among them a number of American media giants. The four men--Peter Sunde, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neij, and Carl Lundström--were found guilty of having made 33 copyright-protected files accessible for illegal file sharing via the Web site.


OY! That's a lotta booty! Now these guys have to spend a year in prison, thinking about what they did, and the rest of their friggin' lives trying to figure out how to pay these people back! Now, as a high profile super-villainesque type person, I know how it feels to have a run in with the law. Superhero's routinely show up and tear down your operation just when you've gotten everything sorted out. Then you have to go and find more henchmen and a new lair and start all over from scratch. And when a super-villain gets caught, we get put in a special prison...where we rest...consort with other super villains...and eventually escape.

These guys though...are inordinately boned. And not just because simply pronouncing their names shoots spittle from your mouth like an UZI. I think this is a lesson to us all.

Game-industry plantiffs included World of Warcraft publisher Blizzard Entertainment, its new corporate sibling Activision (Call of Duty 4), and Sierra Entertainment, which was subsumed into Activision Blizzard last summer.

Apparently, you don't fuck with Activision.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do It Yourself Vasectomy Kit

Ask The Reverend

(First Published on The International Society of Supervillains 04/10/2009)

Dear Reverend Rogue,
I'm a 15 year old girl. My problem is, all my friends keep coming to school wearing new clothes, and I'm stuck wearing hand me downs from my siblings. My family doesn't have a lot of money, but it makes me feel inferior to my friends when I see them coming to school in all their new clothes and jewelry. What should I do?
-Jealous in Colorado

Dear Jealous,
The problem here seems to be that you're not happy with yourself. The problem here isn't money or the lack of new clothes. The problem here is that your friends are insolent and should bow down to you. If they had already done this, then money and new clothes would soon follow. From your friends. Whether they liked it or not. Clearly, since you have let this problem go on for so long, there is no way to reverse it with your current set of friends. The only solution is to destroy them all and make new friends. Possibly from scratch. You may laugh now, but cybernetic friends armed with extremely large lazers and bio-vaporizers are handy when it comes to gathering money and cool new threads.

Dear Reverend Rogue,
I'm a twenty-three year old man, who has recently finished getting my college degree in bio-chemistry. I haven't gotten a job yet, because I have a large inheritance from my deceased parents (who were murdered in front of me by an unknown gunman when I was 7) and have also taken the reins of my father's company. My problem is, lately...I've been getting the urge to dress up in a costume and fight crime. I'm not sure where this urge is coming from, and I'm afraid to tell any of my friends because I'm afraid they won't understand. I should also mention that I think I have discovered a formula in my lab that will give me super human powers. I'm not sure how to proceed. What should I do?
-In The Closet in Gotham

Dear "In The Closet"
I sympathize with your plight, but I'm afraid that there is really one one solution to this. You must destroy yourself. You now have the potential of destroying the lives of everyone around you, and as a potential superhero, you wouldn't want that. You would be much better off sparing them the pain of being captured and murdered by some clever supervillain, and finding the nearest high ceiling and short rope. Of course, if this doesn't appeal to you, we have specialists who might be able to help you. As a matter of fact, I have already dispatched a few of my "specialist" to your return address who will be able to treat you of this malady. They are also instructed to return with your "Super power formula", so leave it out somewhere they can find it, please...thanks.

A Darkside Moment in History (First Seen At The-ISS on 04/04/2009)

Step 1: Realizing YOU Are The Rat

So you've gotten yourself a house. You've worked hard for this moment! Years of hard work, conglomerating into this one are officially an adult. You have a yard to mow, bills to pay, a spouse and/or children to keep happy...go ahead. Take a moment. Breathe it in. You smell that? That, my the pinnacle of your success. Chances are, unless for some reason you win the lottery, somehow become famous, or run for president and all the other nominees die...well, this is it. Kinda bites, doesn't it?

Oh, not the having a family and all that stuff. That's great. But, where do you go from here?

Well my friends, that's where I come in. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm the Righteous Reverend Rogue, and I am about to set your feet firmly on the first steps of your next journey: Complete Neighborhood Domination.

Some of you may recognize me from The International Society of Supervillains. For those of you who came here from that link...welcome. For the rest of you, who somehow stumbled upon this by accident and for some reason see no reason to become the sole dictator of your neighborhood, don't worry! You will be corralled and exterminated in short order.

Ha. Just kidding. We know where you live. We'll come to you.

The good news is, we here at W.U.I.T.S are here for you. And with our help, you too will become the ruler of your very own neighborhood. And, as an official Super Villain, I promise not to eventually usurp your little empire into my own.*

You don't have to thank us. We're evil. It's kinda what we do.

*Actual results of Super Villain promise may vary.

Official Henchmen

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