Monday, April 27, 2009

Evil knows no species!

Like the rest of you pathetic miscreants, I was recently issued a challenge by the Reverend to find examples of lesser-known comics and post them here.

I didn't have to look very far before I found a true gem. It is my opinion that this comic should be required reading material for all henchmen. The supervillian star of this show demands a great deal of respect for the complexity of his schemes, his commandery of absolute power, and for the diminuitive size of his furry little black heart.

I am of course speaking of Bucky the cat from "Get Fuzzy," by Darby Conley.

For some time I have been intrigued by the determination of such a small creature to rule all within his domain. He has an obvious size disadvantage compared to those he wishes to control, however this little guy doesn't have 'fear' anywhere in his vocabulary.
Indeed most of his vocabulary consists of garbled English and Bucky-ese. Yet he still manages to thwart the plots of his arch-nemesis, the ferret...somehow.

You also have to applaud his ability to withstand the strong urge to off his Igor-like companion, Satchel, who possesses a mind-bogglingly low IQ (even for a henchman). I would go far as to say that Bucky teeters dangerously close to having superhero-esque patience for contending with both Satchel, and his human servant, Rob. Why, there is even an homage to Ghost Hunters in this strip!

Who knew that there was so much evil in the little furball?

Official Henchmen

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